

New Journey New Dream


New Journey New Dream
——Smart Control internal annual meeting celebration of 2018

In the joy of growth and harvest, 2018 is going away. 2019 comes to you in the excitement of anticipation and endeavour. On January 19, 2019, the "Smart Control internal annual meeting celebration of 2018" concluded at a five start hotel. The annual meeting mainly summarizes and reviews the work in 2018 and carries out strategic deployment for the development of the company in 2019. The theme of this annual meeting is "New Journey, New Dream".

Review the past Look forward to the future

From the beginning of the company's establishment to the steady development, and then to the great success, we prepared a video of the company's course, let all our colleagues review the important nodes of the company's development. Looking back on the past, we are full of pride. Over the past year, our team have made great efforts, made innovations, and achieved fruitful results in all aspects of our work. Looking forward to the future, we shoulder the heavy responsibility. Our GM Dave delivered a speech at the annual meeting and proposed to carry forward the enterprise spirit of "Customer-centric, striver oriented, tribute to contributors", which requires all the person in Smart Control to continue to be down-to-earth and pioneering.

Recognition of outstanding staff

Talent is first asset of Smart Control. Over the past year, we have sprung up a group of proud and excellent employees. With a high sense of responsibility and a strong sense of mission, they showed their behavior like responsibility, loyalty, dedication, responsibility, excellence, which all the good qualities a good employees have. Sincere pay ushered in sincere applause, quietly dedicated to write bright youth. They have made outstanding contributions to the company, and set a good example for the majority of employees to learn. The senior leaders have issued certificates and prizes for outstanding departments and individuals, thanks for their outstanding performance and hard work in 2018, and also hope that in the new year, they can go further and achieve good results again!

Dinner Party

This evening, the three sites are connected. Our Changsha and Shenyang workshop, and the main venue together. Smart Control extended family a happy and harmonious. Party dance, singing, sketches, talk shows, and other programs, brilliant. The evening party interspersed with the draw link, with the announcement of the awards, constantly set off the climax of the evening. At the party, we sang and danced and enjoyed ourselves. Laughter, applause, cheers have been rippling in the venue, the final part of the party singing "tomorrow will be even better", expressed strong confidence in Smart Control bright prospects and good wishes, the scene to the climax of the atmosphere.

With the joy and laughter of Smart Control colleague, the annual meeting celebration came to a successful conclusion. In the next year, we will embark on a new journey, Smart Control will continue to "do not forget the original ideals and aspirations, forge ahead", work hand in hand to create a brilliant tomorrow for our company!